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I can finally scream at the top of my lungs that Spring is here! At the break of warmer weather usually means we're all in a crunch to get our last minute changes to our summer bodies together. The two things that I notice most women want to tighten up the most are the glutes and the abs. Well, let's take this one muscle group at a time. Today we're gonna tackle the lower body and begin our journey of shaping those coconuts

Two-Piece active set by Avia

What are the benefits of lower body muscles, you ask? For starters, squats are a non-impact exercise, thus you won't strain your knees or your back (if you're doing them properly). Not only do they tone your whole leg, but they also help promote muscle growth throughout your entire body! Yes, this is primarily a lower-body workout, but being that this exercise is SO intense, it causes your body to release hormones, burn more fat, and will help you lose weight. Squats are also good for digestion! (Say whaaaat!) Yep! They help remove waste from your body by keeping you regular.

Think they can't get anymore glorious? Well, there's more benefits that you may know. Squats help with circulation, which means, "BYE BYE CELLULITE!" They're cheap to do, no equipment is required, you can improve your posture, and keep your knees strong. Most of all, the holy grail of achievement -- GET A ROUNDER BUTT!

Here's a few tips to keep in mind to insure proper form while doing your squats:

  • Hinge at the hips

  • Keep your weight in your heels NOT your toes

  • Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and head upright

  • Exhale up, Inhale down

  • Feet shoulder width (for a standard squat)

I hope these few tips help you to achiever stronger coconuts! Keep pushing, set challenges, and beat them!

*Active wear by Avia



This is what I consider to be a reverse squat. This exercise is primarily the glutes, but work your entire leg, as well. Using the Assistant Pull Up machine, keep your weight leaned slightly forward (chest and shoulders over wrists), and press the weight slowly down. Repeat on each leg 20x for 3 sets.

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